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Hobbans Timberworks is committed to being transparent about how we handle your personal information, to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information, and to meeting our data protection obligations under the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.


Your data will be stored securely, and will only be used for the stated purposes. We will never share your data with any other organization or third party without your prior permission.


In order to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation Act which comes into force across Europe from 25th May 2018, Hobbans Timberworks requires all clients and contractors to complete and sign a mandatory declaration. This extends your rights over your personal data held by any organization with which you have chosen to share it and also how it is used.


A form will be presented to any client engaging Hobbans Timberworks in a contract to carry out work for them, to secure signed consent for us to hold any necessary personal data ie name, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses for the purposes of efficient communication, safe working practices, supplier deliveries and accounting. We also ask clients to declare whether they would be happy to appear in photographs as part of any marketing activity for the promotion of our products or services on our website and social media sites of our choosing. We will never reveal your name, address or specific location via any post or image without prior consent.


A form will be presented to any contractor working for Hobbans Timberworks to secure signed consent to hold personal data for the purposes of communication, safe working practices and accounting/remuneration; and for consent to be photographed for the purposes of any marketing activity for the promotion of our products and services on our website and social media sites of our choosing.


We fully respect any contractors or client's wishes should they choose not to be included in our marketing images and will be totally compliant with their choice.